Monday, January 16, 2012


"It's you think I can make it?"  I shoved the last bite of crepe in my mouth as I brushed the powdered sugar off my fluffy black coat. I had just finished ice skating with Mekina in Bryant Park. We had been to Rockefeller and Central Park before so this was something we could check off our  list for 2012!  To make things even better, it was snowing.  Talk about magical. was getting late and I wanted to get home in time to watch a little of The Bachelor.  I looked up the train times and mentally screamed when I saw the next one left at 9:11.  If I missed that one, I would have to wait another hour for the following train.  "It's you think I can make it?" I asked Mekina. She looked at me like I was a little crazy but nodded a quick yes.  We both like the thrill that comes from cutting it just a little too close. She flagged down a taxi right before it sped by.  With a quick hug, I was on my way. "Penn Station please, and step on it."   So cliche, I know, but I really wanted to make that train. We pulled up at 9:10 and I full out sprinted down the steps and into NJ Transit corridor.  Where is it, where is it.  I searched the board for my track number...not finding it anywhere.  Gone. It was gone. My mental scream threatened to make itself heard. Ugh.  Disappointment rushed over me as I walked aimlessly around the station.  I finally settled for a seat on the floor, right in front of the departures sign.

So often there is a train, a dream, a new experience just waiting for us to take it.  If we put it off again and again, it is possible that we will miss it entirely. Life is constantly moving forward. If there is something you are passionate about, something you want to do. Find a way to actualize it now!  The last thing you want is for that train to depart without you.

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