Sunday, September 18, 2011


One year ago today, my sweet baby girl Kylie was born!  My husband Matt and I started out her celebration with a can of gourmet cat food and a few rounds of the ever so famous happy birthday song, probably sung off tune. After Kylie's belly was full, we presented her with a birthday present.  It was a scratching post with a perch on top for her to sleep.  As you can see, she LOVED it!

Kylie getting ready to blow out her candle.  

Playing with her birthday present.  She is a wild one!

Kisses from my baby girl.

After a long day of play, Kylie curled up in her perch for a little cat nap.  Happy birthday sweetheart!


  1. amy b...i cannot believe you lit that could've had a kitty on fire! oh mother like kitty. i remember when you lit your hair on fire when blowing out your candles once on your birthday haha! love you this is too cute! i miss my little niece!
